2023 - 2024 UNTER SONNEN

Wer einmal das freudige Strahlen in den Augen der Kinder gesehen hat, wenn sie voller Hingabe dem Fluss ihrer schöpferischen Phantasie überlassen sind, der wird augenblicklich seiner eigenen Kindheit inne werden und aufs Neue die schlummernden Bilder seiner Seele ans Licht bringen wollen.

Es sind beglückende Momente, die das umfangreiche Programm zum 60. Geburtstag von Lascaux Colours & Restauro unter dem Motto «Little Suns» bereithält, und das ganz den Kindern gewidmet ist. Es bietet so manche Gelegenheit, den kleinen Sonnen ihrer Herzen und der grossen Sonne unseres Ursprungssterns in Farbe und Gestalt nachzuspüren. Und weil die kleinen Gestirne bereits mächtig Fahrt aufgenommen haben, wird die Fondation Lascaux das Projekt weiterführen. Unter der Leitung von Machteld Aardse, die mit Begeisterung und Freude bereits zahlreiche Kinder begleitet hat, werden wir noch viele «Little Suns» zum Strahlen bringen – denn der kreative Prozess ist der Schlüssel zu einer Zukunft im Einklang mit der Schöpfung.

Immer dem Universum der Farben verpflichtet, bietet unser neues Programm allen «Grossen Kindern» weiterhin ein kreatives Zuhause. So werden Bewährtes und Neues sich die Waage halten, auch die offene Quelle sprudelt munter weiter.

Den Auftakt bildet am 26. Oktober die Buchvernissage von Barbara Diethelm. Als Ergebnis ihrer langjährigen sowohl inneren wie auch äusseren Forschungsarbeit erscheint «Colours of the Great Heart – Resonating with Sirius». Das Buch ist ein Kompendium zur Geistesgeschichte der Farben, ihren spirituellen Dimensionen und ihren Anwendungen in der individuellen Farbpraxis. Es wendet sich an alle, die sich auf den transformativen Übergang in das neue «Paradigma des Herzens» vorbereiten und die spirituelle Natur der Lebensreise erkennen.

Auch die Weissen Löwen von Timbavati, «Children of the Sun», sind wieder bei uns. Mit ihrer Botschafterin Linda Tucker werden sie uns an ihrem Leben in Freiheit und ihren Wünschen an uns Menschen für eine würdige Zukunft aller teilhaben lassen. 

Programm 2023/24 (PDF)

14. – 16. June, 2024 “Ignite your LionHeart” - A LionHearted Leadership™

Retreat with Linda Tucker (englisch mit deutscher Übersetzung)

12. June, 2024 Harmonious coexistence - The White Lions and the magical, regenerating laws of Nature

Lecture with Linda Tucker (englisch mit deutscher Übersetzung)

5. May, 2024 Leitfarben – Leitfaden – Ein inneres Zwiegespräch

Seminar mit Barbara Diethelm

10. March, 2024 UTOPIA - in jedem Augenblick

2-teiliges Keramik-Seminar

25. February, 2024 Sirius Schöpferstrahlfarben® – Richtkräfte der inneren Balance

Seminar mit Barbara Diethelm

22. February, 2024 Die Offene Quelle - Von grossen und von kleinen Sonnen

Impulsvorträge und Podiumsgespräch mit Barbara Diethelm, Machteld Aardse und Werner Schmidt

10. December, 2023 Sirius Schöpferstrahlfarben® – Die Spur der Farben zur weiblichen Kraft

Seminar mit Barbara Diethelm

6. December, 2023 MA + MA - Mantra Singen und Malen

Ein Workshop mit Johannes Glarner und Barbara Diethelm

29. October, 2023 Sirius Schöpferstrahlfarben® – Aspekte unserer Ganzeit

Seminar mit Barbara Diethelm

26. October, 2023 Buchvernissage COLOURS OF THE GREAT HEART - Resonating with Sirius

Barbara Diethelm im Gespräch mit Michèle Abelowsky

2022 - 2023  Togetherness

Here it is - the new generation, offspring of the majestic light being on our last year's title. Turning towards each other they also strive up to the light, supporting each other in turbulent times – a symbol of renewal in the spirit of a constantly transforming nature. The world has become a different place. The social dynamics, as a result of the massive restrictions of the last two years, are unmistakable. And the young generation is looking for new ways, finding new answers to its existential questions. They are highly sensitized to the values of freedom, self-determination and cooperative coexistence.

The new program is based on last year's events and created as a continuation and deepening of our core topics. We are particularly happy to have Linda Tucker with us again, as always accompanied by the White Lions of Timbavati, who so vividly exemplify the necessity to cooperate for the preservation of life. 

Our impulse lectures with podium discussions will be under the theme "The Open Source". Together with you, we will look for perspectives for a meaningful attitude towards life. We will announce the respective dates in our newsletter.

Program 2022/23 (PDF)

9. – 11. June, 2023 “Ignite your LionHeart” - A LionHearted Leadership™

Retreat with Linda Tucker (englisch mit deutscher Übersetzung)

7. June, 2023 Harmonious coexistence - The White Lions and the magical, regenerating laws of Nature

Lecture with Linda Tucker (englisch mit deutscher Übersetzung)

7. May, 2023 Leitfarben – Leitfaden – Ein inneres Zwiegespräch

Seminar mit Barbara Diethelm

12. March, 2023 Sirius Schöpferstrahlfarben® – Richtkräfte der inneren Balance

Seminar mit Barbara Diethelm

29. January, 2023 UTOPIA - in jedem Augenblick

2-teiliges Keramik-Seminar

20. November, 2022 Sirius Schöpferstrahlfarben® – Die Spur der Farben zur weiblichen Kraft

Seminar mit Barbara Diethelm

19. November, 2022 MA + MA - Mantra Singen und Malen

Ein Workshop mit Johannes Glarner und Barbara Diethelm

30. October, 2022 Sirius Schöpferstrahlfarben® – Aspekte unserer Ganzeit

Seminar mit Barbara Diethelm

27. October, 2022 Die Offene Quelle - Zwischen LOGOS und EROS

Impulsvorträge und Podiumsgespräch mit Barbara Diethelm, Patrick Kugelmeier und Werner Schmidt

2021 - 2022  Aligned in the light

Is there a more joyful symbol to counter this wavering time? Like the seven-armed menorah, the mullein (Verbascum densiflorum) stretches its blooming flowers arms towards the light - a glow all around, the scepter of the Mother Goddess. From the strength of its central axis it grows up. In harmony with its nature, even this summer with abundant storms and water, which is not at all to her liking. The splendor of her proud appearance may signal us to follow our heart's path, against all odds, yet full of trust and devotion.

10. – 12. June, 2022 “Ignite your LionHeart” - A LionHearted Leadership™

Retreat with Linda Tucker 

8. June, 2022 White Lions: From Ancient Mystery to today’s Lionhearted Leadership™

Lecture with Linda Tucker e

22. May, 2022 Leitfarben – Leitfaden – Ein inneres Zwiegespräch

Seminar mit Barbara Diethelm

5. May, 2022 Wahr – nehmen

Impulsvorträge und Podiumsgespräch mit Jhadten Jewall und Patrick Kugelmeier

13. March, 2022 Schöpferstrahlfarben® – Richtkräfte der inneren Balance

Seminar mit Barbara Diethelm

23. January, 2022 Mein kleines Utopia

2-teiliges Keramik-Seminar

16. December, 2021 Einstimmung auf die Lichtwende

Meditativer Abend mit Barbara Diethelm

14. November, 2021 Schöpferstrahlfarben® – Die Spur der Farben zur weiblichen Kraft

Seminar mit Barbara Diethelm

24. October, 2021 Zeichnen aus der eigenen Stille

Werkstatt mit Joerg Frikke

21. October, 2021 Gemeinsam neu sehen

Impulsvorträge und Podiumsgespräch mit Barbara Diethelm, Joerg Frikke und Werner Schmidt


Vielleicht erscheint euch der Leitgedanke unseres Programms etwas rätselhaft. Aber dieser Titel einer Ausstellung kurz nach der «Wende» 1989 in Deutschland benennt genau den Schritt, den uns die jetzige Zeit abverlangt. Er hat sich lange schon angekündigt, aber nun ist der Moment gekommen, von dem ab wir uns mit wachem Geist, geschärften Sinnen, mit Mut und Empathie und in umfassender Eigenverantwortung unserer inneren Führung anvertrauen dürfen, ja müssen.

Mit den Mitgestaltern dieses Programms haben wir versucht, ein Netz möglicher Wege zu knüpfen, individuelle Antworten zu finden, um den kommenden Herausforderungen entschlossen und freudvoll zu begegnen.
Programm 2020/2021 (PDF)

18. – 20. June, 2021 “Ignite your LionHeart” - A LionHearted Leadership™

Retreat with Linda Tucker postponed to 2022

16. June, 2021 White Lions: From Ancient Mystery to today’s Lionhearted Leadership™

Lecture with Linda Tucker - postponed to 2022

9. May, 2021 Schöpferstrahlfarben® – Richtkräfte der inneren Balance

Seminar mit Barbara Diethelm

25. March, 2021 Wahr – nehmen, verschoben auf Herbst 2021

Impulsvorträge und Podiumsgespräch mit Jhadten Jewall und Patrick Kugelmeier - verschoben auf Herbst 2021

28. February, 2021 Leitfarben – Leitfaden – Ein inneres Zwiegespräch

Seminar mit Barbara Diethelm

11. February, 2021 “How we can come into right relation with nature in a human crisis“

Webinar with Linda Tucker (English)

6. December, 2020 Schöpferstrahlfarben® – Die Spur der Farben zur weiblichen Kraft

Seminar mit Barbara Diethelm

19. November, 2020 “How we can come into right relation with nature in a human crisis“

Lecture with Linda Tucker (English with German translation)

11. October, 2020 Schöpferstrahlfarben® – Richtkräfte der inneren Balance

Seminar mit Barbara Diethelm

26. September, 2020 Begehen – Begegnen – Betrachten

Ein Rundgang mit Werner Schmidt

20. September, 2020 In mir ist ein vogel ein kind

abgesagt - Seminar mit Joerg Frikke

17. September, 2020 Sehen – Handeln – Durchblick – Gestalt

Impulsvorträge und Podiumsgespräch mit Barbara Diethelm, Joerg Frikke und Werner Schmidt

2019 - 2020

12. – 14. June, 2020 “Ignite your LionHeart” - A LionHearted Leadership™

Retreat with Linda Tucker - postponed to 18. - 20.06.2021

10. June, 2020 White Lions: From Ancient Mystery to today’s Lionhearted Leadership™

Lecture with Linda Tucker - postponed to 16.06.2021

10. May, 2020 Weisser Vogel Gegenwart - Über das Mysterium und die Magie des Wortes

abgesagt - Seminar mit Jörg Fricke

7. May, 2020 Weisser Vogel Gegenwart - Über das Mysterium und die Magie des Wortes

abgesagt - Vortrag und Lesung mit Jörg Fricke

22. March, 2020 Schöpferstrahlfarben® – Richtkräfte der inneren Balance

abgesagt - Seminar mit Barbara Diethelm

19. January, 2020 Herzblüten - Eine Bildmeditation

Seminar mit Werner Schmidt

24. November, 2019 Die Spur der Farben zur weiblichen Kraft

Seminar mit Barbara Diethelm

14. November, 2019 Im Fluss der Farben durch die Zeiten

Vortrag mit Barbara Diethelm

2019 Aurora - IN NEW LIGHT

In the meantime, a lot has happened and new spaces of resonance between humans and nature have surfaced. The fact that medical research is currently entering entirely new dimensions is a quantum leap in the expansion of our consciousness. In a unique lecture, we will look at the elemental level of the cells and learn to again understand life as the greatest miracle. Thus Aurora, goddess of the dawn, will let us participate in her magical dance of colour to make us aware that we are inseparably connected with the cosmos through the aligning forces of colours.

Above all in this program is the call of the universe through the White Lions. As ancestors of creation, they have returned to remind us that it is us, their fellow creatures, who now bear all the responsibility for the continuity, uniqueness, and beauty of life on earth


In the meantime, a lot has happened and new spaces of resonance between humans and nature have surfaced. The fact that medical research is currently entering entirely new dimensions is a quantum leap in the expansion of our consciousness. In a unique lecture, we will look at the elemental level of the cells and learn to again understand life as the greatest miracle. Thus Aurora, goddess of the dawn, will let us participate in her magical dance of colour to make us aware that we are inseparably connected with the cosmos through the aligning forces of colours.

Above all in this program is the call of the universe through the White Lions. As ancestors of creation, they have returned to remind us that it is us, their fellow creatures, who now bear all the responsibility for the continuity, uniqueness, and beauty of life on earth

Veranstaltungsprogramm 2018 (PDF)

2017 Fortitude of Change

If we have decided to theme our new program under as "the fortitude of change," based on the idea that by addressing the issues of life, we are increasingly exposed to the fact that today requires a fundamental re-thinking, a completely new thinking indeed.
With Werner Schmidt, Barbara Diethelm, Kalasri Tanz- und Musikensemble, Sumitra Keshava, Lindard Bardill, Noëmi Nadelmann, André Desponds, Alexander Lauterwasser und Beat Weyeneth, Thea Keats Beaulieu, Jagadeesan Kamalan

2016 Kraft des Wandels

If we have decided to theme our new program under as "the fortitude of change," based on the idea that by addressing the issues of life, we are increasingly exposed to the fact that today requires a fundamental re-thinking, a completely new thinking indeed.
With Werner Schmidt, Jagadeesan Kamalan, Barbara Diethelm, Hartmut Warm, Ursula Huggenberger

2015 Passion of Heart

In the coming lectures and seminars, we will encircle the creative phenomena of color and sound, of resonance and balance. The deeper we experience their structural forces, the stronger the certainty of being integrated into a meaningful whole. It gives birth to new, unexpected impulses of life, which allow us to deal with our thoughts and feelings more clearly and more responsibly, and to encourage empathetic, solidary action.
With Ursula Huggenberger, Alexander Lauterwasser, Werner Schmidt, Barbara Diethelm and Jagadeesan Kamalan


This year we pause and let only nature speak. In a reading that pays tribute to the mystical omnipresence of the cat, we introduce our book "Tamangur - of cats and stars," published in 2012.

2013 From your Center

The understanding of time in many ancient cultures points to our time as the end of a cycle, and the beginning of a new one. For our culture, this should be the beginning of an era oriented towards the human dimension and its living environment. We write the year 2012, whose cross sum is the number five. It stands for "the middle," the center of our existence. It runs through the axis of the world, the "axis mundi," which supports our alignment into the whole of creation.

Thus, our program for this year will include five events that revolve around the theme of the "middle" and in various media areas of action, such as dance, movement, voice, color, shape, and so on. Like a rainbow which spans all activities and always leads back to contemplative relaxation, the rhythmic flow of our breath will accompany us. The liberating experience of conscious breathing is a fundamental step in experiencing and strengthening our "center." In the workshops and seminars ahead, we want to raise awareness of this center and celebrate it.

With Barbara Diethelm, Werner Schmidt and Jagadeesan Kamalan

2012 Aus Deiner Mitte

The understanding of time in many ancient cultures points to our time as the end of a cycle, and the beginning of a new one. For our culture, this should be the beginning of an era oriented towards the human dimension and its living environment. We write the year 2012, whose cross sum is the number five. It stands for "the middle," the center of our existence. It runs through the axis of the world, the "axis mundi," which supports our alignment into the whole of creation.

Thus, our program for this year will include five events that revolve around the theme of the "middle" and in various media areas of action, such as dance, movement, voice, color, shape, and so on. Like a rainbow which spans all activities and always leads back to contemplative relaxation, the rhythmic flow of our breath will accompany us. The liberating experience of conscious breathing is a fundamental step in experiencing and strengthening our "center." In the workshops and seminars ahead, we want to raise awareness of this center and celebrate it.

With Noëmi Nadelmann, Barbara Diethelm, Rosina Landolt, Werner Schmidt, Jagadeesan Kamalan, Maja Farner

2011 The Importance of the Animal Kingdom

The importance of the animal kingdom as a central area of experience for the life and for a holistic consciousness is at the center of the current program. The animal world is part of the creation, such as light and color. It is closely linked to the human behavioral and communication network, and therefore requires a mindful attention with dignity and respect. This is all the more important in a time of great imbalance between ecology and economics.
With Sonja Hirt, Barbara Diethelm, Karin M. Kuhn, Werner Schmidt, Cornelia Hesse-Honegger

2010 The Importance of the Animal Kingdom

The importance of the animal kingdom as a central area of experience for the life and for a holistic consciousness is at the center of the current program. The animal world is part of the creation, such as light and color. It is closely linked to the human behavioral and communication network, and therefore requires a mindful attention with dignity and respect. This is all the more important in a time of great imbalance between ecology and economics.
With Helen Gerber, Alexander Lauterwasser, Werner Schmidt, Barbara Diethelm

2009 Timeless Beauty

This year, the theme of BEAUTY in all its facets is at the center of our program.

Especially in this turbulent time, remembering timeless values and orders as they show themselves in art and nature gains particular relevance. A social re-thinking and a new way of thinking about ethically responsible behavior are urgently needed.
With Hartmut Warm, Werner Schmidt, John Lane, Joan Davis, Maja Farner, Barbara Diethelm and Rahel M. Zeier

2008 Timeless Beauty - eternal Water

This year, the theme of BEAUTY in all its facets is at the center of our program. Especially in this turbulent time, remembering timeless values and orders as they show themselves in art and nature, especially in the mysterious element of water, gains particular relevance.


The first events of the FONDATION LASCAUX, founded in 2004, revolve around the focal points of color, light and resonance.
With Werner Schmidt, Dr. Hugo Niggli, Barbara Diethelm, Rahel M. Zeier, Alexander Lauterwasser and Sonja Hirt