2019 - 2020
12. – 14. June, 2020
“Ignite your LionHeart” - A LionHearted Leadership™
Retreat with Linda Tucker - postponed to 18. - 20.06.2021

“When you bring your true nature back into harmony with Mother Nature, realigning head with heart, you suddenly find you’re able to restore balance, health and resilience in your own world. I call this amazing process: “A-LION-MENT.”
In this exclusive retreat, Linda Tucker, shares what the legendary White Lions can teach us about our own capacity for LionHearted Leadership in a world in transition.
Over this transformational weekend Linda will work with you to introduce the teachings that she was initiated into, over 25 years ago, by Shangaan medicine woman and Shamans. After an introduction into the 13 laws of LionHearted Leadership, each participants will experience in depth one or more laws. As you actively review and reshape your own unique blueprint and consider how you can adjust your own course to follow your true purpose, as an awakening LionHeart.
We will get outside into nature as much as we can, in a pristine natural area of beauty and quiet.
This seminar has a limited number of spaces. Your reservation is definitive only with payment of the participation fee to the Fondation. Please book the room also directly at the Fondation.

Linda Tucker grew up in South Africa where in 1991 she was rescued from an angered pride of Lions by a Shangaan medicine women known as The Lion Queen of Timbavati. Since then Linda faithfully and courageously works with and teaches these ancient truths which she was initiated in to become a lion priestess herself. She is author of Mystery of the White Lions, Saving the White Lions and LionHearted Leadership.